The Academic Network for Safety and Equality
We stand by academic rights and values as well as safety, equality, and diversity.

Who are we?
The Academic Network for Safety and Equality is a community which gathers persons entrusted by Polish Higher Education Institutions (HEI) with the protection of academic rights and values as well as safety, equality, and diversity.
Irrespective of the names of our positions, we are united by our areas of expertise, shared experience, and the perception of the ethical values fundamental to academic life.
In April 2023, the Network was registered as an association. Its authorities include the Board and Audit Committee.
Objectives and scope of activities
Providing a space for a safe and confidential sharing of knowledge and experiences about problems which occur in Higher Education Institutions and ways of solving them.
Identifying the best possible patterns of action in situations demanding assistance.
Building a database of knowledge and good practice.
Diagnosing and flagging problems shared by many academic institutions.
Joint research and drafting of “trans-university” reports.
Domestic and international collaboration with organisations promoting equality and safety in Academia, such as the European Network of Ombuds in Higher Education – ENOHE.
Sharing information about domestic and international events.
How do we operate?
We meet online once every two months. The meetings are organised by the Network’s member applicants and address specific topics selected in advance. In the course of the meetings, we consider common problems, share experiences, present solutions adopted at individual HEIs, discuss topical issues, and offer updates on planned events and latest news.
We meet at least once a year for a face-to-face plenary meeting, held on a rota basis by successive HEIs.
We collect and share resources.

Our logo
Our logotype has been designed by a Network member, Karolina Jaklewicz from Wrocław University of Science and Technology Faculty of Architecture, where she heads the Department of Architecture and Visual Arts. An artist, curator, and lecturer, as of 2020 she has been Discrimination Prevention Representative of Rector of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
The artist says of the logo, among others: “The logo was created intuitively; I wanted it to show that we connect people and causes, and that our area of activity is crucial for the wellbeing and overall development of both science and people”. You can read more about Karolina Jaklewicz below.